Thursday, August 19, 2010

# 13

I remember a time when me and my two friends were being bullied by a big group. One of my friends just ignored them, so the group left him alone. When I noticed this, I followed what he did. Unfortunately for my other friend, he wouldn't back down and ignore them, he only snapped back at them. So the group kept insulting him for a while, until finally they left.
I could see the reason they did this though. It was a very hot day, so they were both annoyed and bored, which isn't a very good combination. Making fun of us was probably emptying their annoyance into us, and since my friend kept taking the bait, they weren't so bored anymore. They  left a while later, probably because they saw a teacher coming. I know ho to not get into these situations though. I just keep my eyes down. If I don't do this, I'll probably get bullied more often and will become bullied a lot more often.