Friday, January 21, 2011

Debate: Opening Statement; How can we avoid Terrorism?

            Terrorism is like a grudge. People sometimes carry grudges against old enemies. Nations sometimes carry grudges against other nations. Grudges lead to hate, hate leads to a want for revenge, a want for revenge leads to plotting it, and plotting it leads to carrying it out. This is the future of terrorism.
           Terrorism lead to the war in Iraq, and more terrorist attacks against other nations will lead to more wars. Then the world will be full of ruin, despair, poverty, violence, and fear. When that happens, there will be nothing left to fight over. Grudges will remain held with other nations and there will only be war.
          There's only one way to prevent this from happening. Peace must be made with other nations. I found a quote from a website called

" If you want other people to be nonviolent, you first have to be nonviolent. Renounce every trace of violence in your heart and your life. Adopt the wisdom and practice of active nonviolence, as Gandhi and Dr. King taught. Beg the God of peace for the gift of peace. Join your local peace and justice group. Stand up publicly for an end to war. Let your life be disrupted, and take a new, nonviolent risk for disarmament. Create new cells of active nonviolence. Embrace the religious roots of nonviolence. Study and teach the wisdom of nonviolence. Resist your local military and government violence. Stop business as usual, government as usual, media as usual, war as usual and demand peace, justice, and disarmament for the whole world, now. Announce the vision of a new nonviolent world, a disarmed world, a world without war, poverty, injustice or nuclear weapons.              
          Real efforts have to be made. Not the "well we tried" efforts. Don't ask other nations for peace. Tell them that peace is going to happen, because the world will get pretty screwed up if we don't put aside the past and start over. Tell them that this is what were going to do to help, and this is how much we just want to live in a peaceful world. We need to actually help other nations with whatever they need. Give money to the poor places, water and food to the starving and thirsty places, and give medicine to the sick places.Make sure every nation and continent has what they need to survive. How will America pay for it? It turns out America can pay for a lot of stuff if they put their mind to it. Give away some food, water, materials for building, medicines, and whatever else that the U.S. has a surplus of. The other option is to keep saying "we tried" and just let terrorism happen and wait for it to turn into a World War 3. Let it happen even longer and a century from now we'll be in World War 7. That's why we need to stop making plans on how to defend ourselves from threats of terrorism and start making peace with other nations and people alike.