Friday, January 14, 2011

           I was looking at some recent posts made, and I saw something that I knew I could write a lot about in 14 minutes on Cristian's blog.

Sometimes it just hits me that we, humans, the animals that have an open consouis and can feel love are the same animals that can a drop a nuke and comit genocide on a people because religious sterotypes. We are the animals that can make industries like Pixar and the Red Cross, but yet, we can also judge someone based on thier skin color or have rich and poor. Well, I think we messed up, big time.
          I was just watching a movie called Food Inc. and when I saw this post, I had to respond. People do these things out of greed. They either want money so they can be rich, or money so they can stay rich. Anything goes to achieve that goal. Killing, scamming, stealing, everything. On that movie, it shows the founders of McDonald's. They make everyone do only one job like putting lettuce on or something like that, so they don't have to pay employees much. Then they use the rest of the money for more Mcdonald's places and more products.
         Another thing on that movie is that a lady with a son had three hamburgers, and in 2 weeks, he died. The lady pleaded his case, and went through all this stuff in more than 1 month to see the owner of the company. The kept making sure they never saw her or never met her, because if it got out they would lose their company that wasn't even doing well. On top of that 2 more kids died from their products with the same disease that came from the burgers. The company denied it.