Friday, March 25, 2011

Esperanza's Future

           Esperanza's future sounds like it holds a good one for her. I think Esperanza will become a teacher or some kind of job around other kids so she can devote her life not only as a teacher but to also helping out people that want to escape their lives like she did.  Esperanza was told by the three ladies that her house on Mango Street would always be a part of her, and that she couldn't just forget about it. She would however be happy in life, but in return, she would have to help other kids like her that wanted to change their lives and have a home somewhere else or be happier with their lives in any other way. She was also told that when Esperanza felt happy about her life, that she had to help other people who wanted desperately for their lives to be better but wouldn't have such a lucky turn of events that Esperanza had at the end of the book. Esperanza, at the end, seems happy with her life and seems to like her house on Mango Street instead of hating it. This, therefore, is evidence that she will stay near her house and help others who were in the same situation as she was.
            Esperanza is obviously going to keep her promise to the three ladies and make sure that many others in need can find a way to make their lives better and help "those who can't escape" as the ladies put it. She'll be there for them and be kind of like a mixture of a mother and a counselor. She'll give those kids help and stuff and try to give them more confidence so they can have better futures. Then she'll tell those kids in need to come back for the others like the three ladies told Esperanza, so that a chain reaction can start and continue and everyone will help each other escape their terrible lives and make a better one.


Charlie said...

Solid enough ideas here...although it seems light on evidence. There's more summary than analysis here, it looks like!