Thursday, September 2, 2010

Illegal Immigration Class Debate

The United States of America is currently going through very difficult times, and it is becoming harder then ever to find an occupation. The main root of this problem is illegal immigration.  The only solution to this problem is that we should worry about our own citizens survival before we worry about giving jobs to people from over the border.  As we speak, more and more people are crossing our southern border and stealing job opportunities from Americans. In California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, there is very little control over who enters the country, and who leaves the country.  We need to step up the security right away to ensure that all Americans have a fair shot at getting jobs, and the population does not overwhelm the availability of them. We already have enough homeless and unemployed people in America without more people coming here.
    We can easily compare this situation to America’s relationship to China, we pay them billions of dollars for cheap labor, and guess what happens?  We now are in debt with China for these billions of dollars, and many American factory jobs disappear.  This is the exact same thing that is happening with immigration, just on a more individual scale.  Immigrants come to America looking for work, they offer to do our jobs for less, they get hired and take the place of American workers.  We have to learn from our mistakes and put an end to illegal immigration before it gets out of hand. If nothing happens, and we allow illegal immigrants to come, then the population of the United States will overflow, and probably half of America would be full of homeless people. If that happens, then there would be a lot more murdering and stealing over food and money.
    The best way to deal with this problem is to send federal troops to assist the Border Patrol. Right now there is simply not enough security down there and we need to do do something about it quickly, or else there would be no order whatsoever there.  6,000 federal troops would definitely contribute to our numbers, as well as make regulations on how things are done by the border patrol. That way, less illegal immigration will take place. With no government regulation, the border patrol does can get immoral, inhumane, and out of hand very fast. This would also help control the vigilantes to, and  with the government close by, they definitely won’t try to get away with some of the things they do now.
    This issue of illegal immigration is much more serious then we think, and must be dealt with head on as soon as possible. Otherwise, we face the downfall of the United States.