Monday, September 13, 2010

Illegal Immigration Rebuttal

I looked at this quote from Devin's point of view about the Illegal Immigration Debate

Illegal immigrants do not pose a threat to the American government. They help support it by paying taxes and thus, keeping the economy healthy. They also take jobs that the American people don’t want.
 This statement is not true for many reasons. Illegal immigrants don't take jobs that Americans don't want, they take the only jobs that America can offer. The number of jobs greatly outnumber the amount of people in the United States. We already have enough homeless people without illegal immigrants coming in and stealing them. People are trying to get jobs so they can take care of themselves and, if they have one, support their family. They won't care if they like that job or now. What matters is the money they get for working so they won't die of hunger, thirst, or lack of health.
Another thing wrong with this thought is that Devin said illegal immigrants would help support America by paying taxes and benefiting the economy. The opposing debaters might not be aware of this, but some employees of different jobs are getting paid less than they usually get. Some workers have even gotten their payments cut in half. Just because they pay taxes doesn't mean that the taxes will automatically make America rich and give it the greatest economy ever. People would have to keep working to get more money to pay for taxes and keep paying for them. This is why illegal immigration must cease.