Monday, November 8, 2010

Punishment for Baba or for Amir?

              In the novel The Kite Runner, Amir and Baba have both done terrible things and their life changed because of the decisions they made. When Baba was dying, Amir was in greif. He began to cry a lot and worry about what he would do when Baba died. Since Amir left Hassan to be a victim of Assef's and allowed him to be raped, this could be punishment for his sins. Baba dying and not being able to be with Amir could be part of what he deserves for what he did to Hassan. Amir didn't do anything to make up for what he did, except for sending him out of Kabul. But even that didn't help since the Taliban came and made things bad for Hazaras. Baba's death could have been the first punishment he gets for abandoning Hassan.
               Though Baba doesn't show it, he seems unprepared to die so soon. Possibly he too wants to make up for his sins and is not ready to die because he wants to do more. The only things that he really did to make up for them are to give the poor some money and give money to orphanages. He may also have wanted to live to see Amir's grandchildren or to see him be successful, or maybe the same for Hassan, but if he did, then he never showed it. On the other hand, it could also just be his time. Perhaps, as said in the paragraph above, that Baba's death could be punishment for Amir. Fate could have given Baba what he deserved. This could be when Hassan left and was out of Baba's life forever. That could be the last punishment for him.