Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vic's blog is awesome!!!

            I looked at Vic's blog and saw the awesome fish tank he had. When I looked at it, I added a bunch of other fishes in the tank. I even added so many that all the fish were cramped up in the tank and could barely move. I thought that was kinda funny. So I took away a few fish and changed the settings on them. I changed the movement and put their speed and fast, so all the fish were swimming all around the tank in different directions like they were hyper. I recommend putting either the swordfish (cause they're awesome) or the tropical fish so they can make a bunch of colors around the tank.
            Anyone who reads this and wants to look at Vic's fish tank, I would appreciate it if they responded to these questions. My first question is there is a little search box above the tank that says something about searching other fish from other websites and adding them to the tank. I haven't tried it out yet, but I don't know whether or not you can actually get other fish or if you have to go through a bunch of stupid downloading crap and pay for the fish. Anyone who tries it out before I do, could you post a comment on either my blog or Vic's blog saying if you can or can't. If you can, then I would put a bunch of cool fish. One that I would love to put is an octopus, or a poisonous sea snake. Maybe even a penguin, even though that's not a fish, but a fish-eater. But I'd put that if it were possible. Then I'd make the octopus try to eat the puffer fish, and it could die. That would be fun to watch.
           Also if anyone reads this, I'd love to know if you can give them their own names. Then I'd give them a bunch of funny names. I'd name the blonde female-looking one Justin Beiber and the fish that keeps following it Sam. (I hope you're reading this Sam).


gjerziemarcaida said...

Be careful in combining fish. There are different kinds of them. Some are ferocious and can eat smaller fish.
Sydney Aquarium