Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Sam's Response

I was looking at Google Reader to find some inspiration for a response, and I found this on Sam's Blog.

The reason Amir didn’t interact with Hassan after he was raped was that he was Jealous of Hassan.  Throughout the whole story Baba makes an effort to make sure that whenever he and Amir can have a moment alone Hassan is there or has been invited.  This leads Amir to believe that Baba loves the child of their servant as much, or possibly even more then his own child.  Also when Amir and Hassan were approached by Assef on the hill, Hassan had the courage to stand up to Assef and cause him to stop bullying Amir.  Amirs lack of this kind of courage is shown when he witnesses Hassan getting raped.  Although no one knows that Amir is watching the brutal act, he still chooses not to get help because he is a coward.    After, that is when Amir can’t talk to Hassan because he is angry at him for being stronger.  This situation gets even worse when Hassan is able to heal from the incident even faster then Amir.  They were no longer able to be friends because they were simply different.
        I highly disagree with what Sam says about Amir not talking to Hassan because he's angry. Amir is ashamed of what he did, which is why he always feels short of breath when Hassan is around. If you want evidence Sam, then there is a part in the Kite Runner where Rahim Khan says that he was in love with a Hazara, but they were separted and decided to not marry because she would have been treated badly by his family. This is symbolizing how Amir and Hassan are friends and want to stay with each other, but Assef is always taunting them and and even threatened to beat both of them up with brass knuckles. And another piece of evidence is where Amir is about to frame Hassan, he says that he remembers what Rahim had said to him about the Hazara he fell in love with, and it was for the best, otherwise she would have suffered. Amir takes this idea from Rahim and frames Hassan so that he and his father can be safe without being taunted for being a Hazara, and especially for being safe from Assef. Amir may have been jealous that Hassan got better treatment from his dad at some points, but that's not why he sent them away. He was doing it to protect them. He also pretended that he didn't see what happened, even in front of Hassan because if he didn't know and Amir told him, then they would never be friends, and he would never be forgiven.