Sunday, December 5, 2010

Corbally's Essay

           As Paul drives his tractor in anger, his mind is still on Abbey and how he witnessed her cheating on him. He starts to boil with anger inside. Abbey's pig tatoo was still fresh in his mind. At the same time, he spots a pig, and hatred bursts inside him. When he sees the pig, he immediatly thinks of Abbey, and the pain she caused him. Then, on impulse, he makes his tractor go as fast as it can possibly go. As he gets closer to the pig, with Abbey still in his mind, he can't find the pig any more. He realizes too late, the pig was merely a hallucination. One of the wheels hits a bopulder, and both Paul and the tractor are sent flying in the air.
           When he regains conscienceness, he sees a white-walled room. The next thing he notices is a numerous amount of tubes attached to him. It does not take him very long to realize that he is in a hospital. He's about to gasp, but something stops him. Something clamps his jaw shut so that he can't speak. He thinks to himself that he shouldn't have tried to run over the "pig". He shouldn't have lost con trol like that. In about half an hour, some surgeons come in to fix whatever is clamping down on his jaw. He sees some of them using screws on his teeth. He feels a sudden pain, but it goes away in seconds. One of the surgeons gets a mirror and asks him what he thinks. He sees himself and is shocked. His face is covered in scars. He doesn't even recognize himself. At that moment, the surgeon that showed him the mirror, and Paul realizes that the surgeon is Abbey. Abbey, apparently not recognizing who he is, tells him not to be so scared, and that the scars will go away once he gets plastic surgery by the plastic surgeons. Paul tries to tell her who he is, but he is unable to speak. Abbey doesn't notice that he is struggling to say something, so she leaves without another word. Paul watches her leave, and as he does, he discovers something glistening like the sun om her hand. He shakes with fury on his bed, and the entire hospital would have heard him, if only it weren't for the thing on his jaw. The shiny object on her finger was an engagement ring, with words engraved on it. And Paul knows that it wasn't him that gave it to her.