Friday, December 17, 2010

I was looking at Bassam's post and I decided that this was what my response post was going to be about.

  I am rambling so let me get to the point why Oakland is a great place. well its a great place for some who is not shy of any one and not afraid to get out there. once you've made friends with kids in your neighbored you will never want to leave. Every day of break i would go to my friends house and play with there wii. there would always be a lot of people playing and that made it the best. The only reason that people think that it is not a good place is because they don't any friends i n Oakland, if you don't then it will be a living hell because people always walk in groups and if your not apart of it then you have no reason to be there.   
I just kind of wanted to point a few things out there. When you said that Oakland is a great place if you're not afraid to go out there, it makes it sound like it is a bad place and that you have to face your fears or something like that. You probably mean that if people aren't paranoid about Oakland or have some stereotypes on violence there and such, but you should explain it a little more.
         Another thing you say that kind of ties in to what I said above is that it will be a "living hell" if you don't make any friends and don't walk in groups. That sounds like a bit of an exaggeration: if you don't make friends and hang out in groups then you'll be in your misery for a long time? I not paranoid, but I do have a few stereotypes on Oakland, basically that it can be pretty violent sometimes. I'm looking at all these posts on Oakland and trying to know the facts and what Oakland is really like and not be stereotypical on it. And life being a living hell by not making friends sounds like a bit of a death wish if you want to go there. I'm just saying, that's what the sentence sounds like or would sound like to someone who only thinks bad things about Oakland. Just a few things I wanted to point out.