Friday, December 17, 2010

Unwind Blog Post #3

           In my final lit-circle discussion for the novel Unwind by Neal Shusterman, my group talked about some very interesting things. The most interesting discussion we had was when we talked about the possibilities of this happening. The setting is supposed to be a while in the future, so at some points I wondered and thought to myself, Could this really happen?. My group actually talked about it and gave a lot of evidence on it. There's one part in the book where a character named Roland tells a lady to do something, and she that it is very strange. However, she only thinks that she shouldn't worry about it and that she should just do what he says, then she can forget about it and it will no longer be her problem. People today already are fine with making a decision if it means that they move their problems and give them to someone else.
           The reason that people in this book unwind kids, or take off all their body parts and donate them to someone else, is because there was a war. It was called the Heartland war, and it was basically fought to protect people from getting all their body parts taken off so they can be donated, but then people decided that that could donate most of them without technically killing them. It was fine for people because they were already adults, and they couldn't get unwound, only kids would. This shows that the people who had the power to disagree to this didn't because they wouldn't have to worry about getting unwound. So they were just pushing their problems away from them and onto someone else. So if this kind of war were to happen, then this would probably be the outcomew.
            The main reason that this could happen is because unwinding is like abortions, except that it happens to kids and that the organs, brain parts, and limbs are donated to people. If abortions become legalized, then people might say no and get into a fight a bit like the Heartland War and people would lose money from the war and then decide to comprimise by accepting something like unwinding. Like I said, people will push their problems on someone else and feel nio regret whatsoever.