Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unwind Blog Post #1

             During my group's lit circle discussion, we talked about many things that happened in the book Unwind so far. We talked about what we thought of some of the characters, what they would do later in the book, and why they acted the way they did. One of these characters that we talked about was Lev's parents. We pondered if they really wanted to have Lev be unwound, or if they were just getting him unwound because it was their religion. We ended up mostly agreeing that they just gave up Lev to be unwound because their religion had said that they needed to give 10 percent of their possessions to the Church, and they figured that Lev had to be part of that 10 percent. We said that they probably thought that they wouldn't be accepted into heaven if they didn't give up Lev, and that instead they would be sent to Hell. So they convinced Lev that he would be blessed once he was unwound, and that was his purpose: to save lives by giving away his body parts. This made Lev feel slightly better about himself, because he thought it was his purpose. This probably makes the parents feel better, so they keep enforcing this idea.
             After this discussion, our group talked about Lev. We said that he was a jerk for betraying Conner and Risa's trust, and then expecting them to let him tag along with them again. Now that I think about it, I don't even know what the purpose of going to the office to tell them what was going on. All he did was call his friend Pastor Dan, and he could have done that without telling them who he was at all. He told the office person to tell the police not to hurt Conner ans Risa. What did he expect? They were both Unwinds on the run, so if they were caught by anyone, they would be unwound. He deserved to have felt guilty for leaving them and then being alone.